Mature gay movies on prime

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Clair, Keegan-Michael Key, Michaela WatkinsĪfternoon Delight is so close to being a special movie. Chase HutchinsonĬast: Kathryn Hahn, Juno Temple, Josh Radnor, Jane Lynch, Jessica St. The relationship between Corky and Violet is fully realized in how complex it is, drawing you in with every single alluring stare the two share together as you root for them to get out alive together against all the odds. Packing a great degree of style and humor, it is a work that was both ahead of its time while still being an enduring artifact of a late 90s film that you just don’t see anymore. Central to this is Gina Gershon as Corky and Jennifer Tilly as Violet who begin to form a romantic relationship while also hatching a scheme to steal millions of dollars from the Mafia. The feature debut of the iconic duo of Lana and Lilly Wachowski, the film has everything you could possibly want in a story from razor-sharp tension to a whole bunch of crackling dialogue from a routinely great cast. If you haven’t seen the sexy crime thriller that is 1996’s Bound, then you are in for a real cinematic treat. Directors/writers: Lana Wachowski, Lilly WachowskiĬast: Jennifer Tilly, Gina Gershon, Joe Pantoliano

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